“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your Vision is the promise of what you shall one day be. Your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” ~ James Allen "Chase the vision, not the money…if you are actually chasing the vision and not the money, the money will follow because your customers and employees will be able to sense your passion, and they will want to help you succeed." ~Tony Hsieh, founder, Zappos
"Milton Friedman said the only reason a corporation exists is to maximize the return of the shareholder. Forget that. Do this instead: Put the employee first, and that employee will take better care of the customer than anyone else." ~Kip Tindell, founder, the Container Store
"I think that marketing is the art of telling a story to a consumer that they want to hear that lets them persuade themselves that they want to buy something." ~Seth Godin
- Clarify your vision
- Hire people who share your vision
- Identify customers who share your vision
- Tell stories about how you're jointly (company + employee + customer) pursuing your shared vision